Friday, June 03, 2005

Same old..

It's June and colleges around KL are already starting new the other night I was lying in bed trying to sleep and suddenly I remembered this:

4 years ago, I was holidaying in London. The exchange rate was a killer and we had to depend on the subway. Late one night, we had to take the train back to Knightsbridge (digression:we were staying in Bank Negara's Eaton Square apartment...accommodation was EXCELLENT ;p). So anyway, because it was un peu late, there was hardly a soul around in the Knightsbridge station.

You know how there are always billboard ads around in stations right? There was one for 'Cats', the longest running musical ever(it's finally stopped abt 2 yrs ago..thankfully). The poster was showing a freeze frame of some dance routine and all the dancers were smiling their hearts out. And right smack across this ad, someone had written in bold letters:


Being the lame cow that I was, I burst out laughing and even pointed it out to my uncle(whom I later learnt was actually pretty fond of 'Cats'...)


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