Thursday, October 20, 2005

The 'Nerd' by Deborah

There is this girl, Deborah. She’s young, vibrant, has the tendency to be loud and unfailingly funny at times. Has a monotonous facial expression, this girl, and is a blast to be out with. She stepped into IMU, discovered that she is allergic to exams (so she claims), and the only way to counter that is to join the rest in their quest of war against the exams by becoming a normal flora of the library. This is her story…of how she tries, with all her effort, to stay in the library, and how, she metamorphed into… a…. nerd.

“ Nerd”
By Deborah

To dream at night I was forbidden
To chance upon a dream at dawn
The guilty pleasure I had been stealing
O dark night draw neigh
For thy glorious splendor I vie
For wisdom is gained in the pleasure of the night
And knowledge unfortold illuminates like light
Midday I chance upon the library so fair
And warm its chairs the pleasure I bear
To make for a meal I eat but a pear
For the library in secret shall be my lair
So jest as you might about me warming the chair
But knowledge I still pursue with enthusiasm and flair
For in this soul lies unrest and despair
If knowledge is not found, for its gains we all share
Yet for this gain I would trade my hair
For the glory of knowledge none can compare
So long as these nostrils breathe in fresh air
So long as these eyes function without impair
A nerd I shall be and with courage I declare
For the soul of nerd resides in me there….

My take on it? I can never understand nerds. One doesn’t have to be a bookworm or ‘nerd’ to be a good medical student/doctor. Perseverance, a little smart hard work, it’ll all be fine. Then again, I guess different people work differently.


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